Tips to help your turf last

We all love fresh, green lawns, butwhen people frequently walk across your lawn, your grass compacted. Turf pathways near swing sets, trampolines, or even the shortcut you take to your clothesline can start showing signs of stress.

Reinforced turf can withstand wear and tear

Here's to keep your turf healthy in high-traffic areas:

Reinforced turf survives better

Include turf reinforcement materials like grass protection mesh and grass pavers when installing your turf. These products provide stability and support to grass that is frequently walked or parked on.

Keep soil aerated
Soil on high traffic areas get compacted very quickly. This hinders the movement of water, air and nutrients to the roots. Help your turf survive by aerating the soil. Use a pitch fork to poke holes on the ground or rent an aerating machine that unplugs soil to add more breathing for roots. Keeping the soil aerated also provides better water drainage

Feed your soil
Add soil conditioners like gypsum to aid recovery to compacted lawns. Keeping a higher mowing height helps grass in absorbing more sunlight and air and regular fertilisation and deep frequent watering speeds the recovery process.

Shade weakens grass
Remember that lawn under shaded areas will take longer to recover than the grass with adequate sunlight. Consider placing outdoor furniture like swing sets, trampolines and other kidstoys out of the shaded grass areas.

Minimise traffic
The best way to maintain your lawn is to keep foot traffic at its lowest. Place stone paths on walking surfaces or mulch the area frequently walked on.

Protecting your lawn requires hard work and financial commitment. These tips will help keep your lawn healthy all year round.