Why You Should Use Grass Pavers On Your Patio

Everybody loves a well-kept and properly paved patio. Not only does it add value to a property, its a great place to spend an afternoon, relaxing or having a barbie with the family.

While concrete pavement is the go-to material for these spaces, recent developments in hardscaping and architecture have introduced a whole new way of designing patios. Grass pavers like grasscrete and porous pavers are now widely used to create patios, pathways, extra parking space, and emergency access roads. They let homeowners enjoy the best of both worlds - sturdy hard concrete covering while having green grass thrive within the area.

Here are four more reasons why you should use grass pavers on your patio:

Easy to install
Grass protection mesh and other plastic porous pavers come in pre-assembled roll-out sheets. They are faster to install than traditional pavement and dont need special tools to establish.

Creates a cool space
Porous pavers let water pass through its openings, which cools down the surrounding area and thereby offsetting the heat. You can now enjoy your patio without worrying about the hot weather.

Mess free
Have you ever had oil leak onto your pavement from your parked car? With grass pavers, you wont have to worry about the hassle of scrubbing it out. Grass growing on reinforced turf can absorb anything spilled on it and filters it back to the ground making a mess free pavement.

photo credit: Jeremy and Keith via photopin (license)

Reduces erosion and water runoff
Grass pavers provide excellent ground cover to keep your topsoil in place. It also helps absorb water runoff preventing drainage systems from getting overwhelmed.

These are just few reasons why permeable paving is good for your patio. 

Why Choose Permeable Paving?

Have you heard of pervious ground covering? Installing reinforced turf allows water to drain back into the soil as opposed to impervious pavers and materials that prevent water from reaching the ground beneath them.

Here are four reasons why you should choose permeable paving:

Better surface water management
By using grasscrete and grass pavers, the ground can absorb and filter water through the covering. This helps in the natural process of recycling water back to the soil.

Reduces the heat island effect
When the ground absorbs water, the surface and surrounding area temperatures become cooler compared to soil with impervious covering. Reducing the heat island effect improves the health of local vegetation. It also improves air quality. You can also use light-coloured grass protection mesh that can reflect sunlight, further reducing the heat produced.

Heat island effect on solid concrete

Less irrigation demand
Allowing water to seep into the ground means you may not need to irrigate. This saves you time, money and reduce the amount of water consumed for everyday irrigation requirements.

Gives a better appearance
Using permeable materials makes your driveway look better. It’s lighter and more refreshing when adding greens to your surroundings. Alternative products like grass parking mesh also eliminate unpleasant odours which are given off by asphalt and concrete.
Park on grass using grass pavers

Permeable paving systems are great in improving your property. They are also environmentally friendly and need little maintenance. Keep these points in mind the next time look to landscape your property.

photo credit: IMGP4725 via photopin (license) photo credit: porous-ish via photopin (license) photo credit: Gold on pavement via photopin (license)

Tips to help your turf last

We all love fresh, green lawns, butwhen people frequently walk across your lawn, your grass compacted. Turf pathways near swing sets, trampolines, or even the shortcut you take to your clothesline can start showing signs of stress.

Reinforced turf can withstand wear and tear

Here's to keep your turf healthy in high-traffic areas:

Reinforced turf survives better

Include turf reinforcement materials like grass protection mesh and grass pavers when installing your turf. These products provide stability and support to grass that is frequently walked or parked on.

Keep soil aerated
Soil on high traffic areas get compacted very quickly. This hinders the movement of water, air and nutrients to the roots. Help your turf survive by aerating the soil. Use a pitch fork to poke holes on the ground or rent an aerating machine that unplugs soil to add more breathing for roots. Keeping the soil aerated also provides better water drainage

Feed your soil
Add soil conditioners like gypsum to aid recovery to compacted lawns. Keeping a higher mowing height helps grass in absorbing more sunlight and air and regular fertilisation and deep frequent watering speeds the recovery process.

Shade weakens grass
Remember that lawn under shaded areas will take longer to recover than the grass with adequate sunlight. Consider placing outdoor furniture like swing sets, trampolines and other kidstoys out of the shaded grass areas.

Minimise traffic
The best way to maintain your lawn is to keep foot traffic at its lowest. Place stone paths on walking surfaces or mulch the area frequently walked on.

Protecting your lawn requires hard work and financial commitment. These tips will help keep your lawn healthy all year round.